I mean no disrespect to the rest of my family by singling out these two - but I'd bet the rest of my family would agree that my sister Sharon and her husband Ron are "Salt of the Earth" type people.
I wanted to take a moment in my blog to recognize these two for all the things they do - not only for our family but for all those around them. Many times in past years, Ron has gone out of his way to drive hundreds of miles to pick me up after canceled flights or other issues. There is never a complaint or even a second thought - he just drops everything and helps. Sharon is the same way. My favorite part of a trip to South Dakota, besides seeing Mom, is staying at their home. If you look up the word "hospitality" in the dictionary - their picture should be there. You will always leave their beautifuf home well rested, well fed and properly "watered" (ie beer!).
If a family emergency presents itself, Ron and Sharon are there. When Mom fell and broke her leg last month and Medicare said she couldn't stay in recovery, nobody had to ask if she could stay with Ron and Sharon. They retrofitted their entire house to make it possible for Mom to get around in a wheel chair. And they see to it that she is well cared for and that the bills are correct and questions answered from the Doctor's office.
For me personally, not only do they let me stay with them, take me to the airport at the crack of dawn, provide fantastic meals, let me borrow their car when I need to drive to my home town, pay for things even when I protest, and now even support my bicycle adventure with a generous donation, they do all this without question and without expecting anything in return.
It is rare to find people of this caliber - and I am so happy and proud that they are my family.
We mirror your beautiful words about these wonderful people!! We are truly blessed to have them in our lives. You can say, "they've never met a stranger", but rather say..."they've never met someone that isn't family"! When my mother passed away 3 years ago, Sharon was the only friend that showed up moments afterwards and just sat in the waiting room to see where or if she was needed. SHE WAS NEEDED!!
We love you guys so much! Terry, Amie and Kids
I was fortunate to have Sharon and Ron come into my life almost 11 years ago. Since that time I have gotten to know them very well. They are such good and kind people. Sharon has spent countless hours listening to me and counseling me on life, kids, relationships, etc…literally. This was before I met my lovely wife Amie 6 years ago…now it is just on life, kids, and etc (her advice on relationships worked out well). Sharon always has very good and sound advice. I don’t know what I would have done without her these past years. SHE’S THE BEST.
Ron is equally as smart and very handy. I have taken advantage of his ability to fix and build things time and time again. Not only has he given me advice on how to fix and build things but he has also selflessly volunteered his time and his tools to help. Whether it is a new starter in my daughter’s car, a new ceiling fan in our house, or a new tub surround… he is there to help. I will never forget the time I was putting shingles on my garage on a very hot summer day and by total surprise Ron, Sharon, and their neighbor Gordy (who was solicited by Ron and Sharon) showed up and helped me. An 8 to 10 hour project on a hot sticky day was quickly reduced to a 2 hour project. This was no big deal for them because in their words “That’s what friends do”. I have seen them do this countless times for others and never a complaint or hesitation.
Dennis summed it up with very well chosen words… Sharon and Ron are “Salt of the Earth” type people. I love them both and I am very proud to call them my friends. TearBear
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