Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Twitter - Month Two
Arrived at my sister Doris' in Gillette, WY (yeah!) & will take tomorrow as rest day. I'll be heading for the mountains on Wed. 34 miles.about 23 hours ago from txt
Week 9 videos are posted on blog bikedenbec.blogspot.com7:58 AM Jun 29th from txt
Much better weather as I rode into Wyoming (woo-hoo!). Camping in Moocroft, WY 65 miles5:48 PM Jun 28th from txt
Cold wind gusting to 35mph - had to peddle down hill & nearly blown off road. Very scenic tho. Staying with HS friend in Speafish, SD 45mi4:46 PM Jun 27th from txt
A beautiful leisurly 36 miles on the Mickleson Trail. Camping in Rochford, SD cell phone dead zone - not sure if this will go out.10:24 AM Jun 27th from txt
Camping in cell phone dead zone, Rochfort, SD - oddly have a wi-fi connection. Regular update should get sent when I get in a coverage area7:53 PM Jun 26th from web
A hot difficult but very scenic 39 mi in the Black Hills of SD. Keystone, Mt. Rushmore & Crazy Horse monument. Camping near Crazy Horse6:07 PM Jun 25th from txt
Nice warm day with somewhat favorable winds. Rode I-90 into Rapid City & staying at warmshowers.org host in very nice home & good food! 60m6:37 PM Jun 24th from txt
Hwy 44 to Rapid City was under const. So I took a leisurly scenic tour of Badlands then camping in Wall, SD. 32mi. Passed 3000 mi on bike!4:29 PM Jun 23rd from txt
Set short goal - strong headwinds made 50 mi an all day event but not too bad. Camping in beautiful Badlands Natl. Park. Worth the effort!5:31 PM Jun 22nd from txt
Brother inlaw Dan took me to Vivian SD for planned late start @ 2pm. 44 miles in great weather - camping in 1880 Town, SD Mountain time zone5:01 PM Jun 21st from txt
40 mi of 15mph tailwind zoom! Then 14mi of 20mph headwind grrr. Brother inlaw picked me up in Vivian, SD to Pierre with Mom until Sunday.5:15 PM Jun 18th from txt
Perfect riding till afternoon then dodged a few storms. Arrived in Winner, South Dakota & prolly stay at Motel to avoid weather.5:11 PM Jun 17th from txt
Nice warm sunny day! Cowboy trail was a bit soft from rain last night & slight head wind - chose pavement Camping in Stuart, NE 74 miles4:36 PM Jun 16th from txt
Gloomy day to start then some sun & good tail wind. Left pavement in Norfolk in favor of Cowboy Rail Trail. Camping Neligh, NE 85 miles5:22 PM Jun 15th from txt
I'm rolling again! Left early from sister's home near Lincoln. Good weather & roads got me 80 miles before 4pm. Camping in Columbus, NE $31:51 PM Jun 14th from txt
Week 5 Video is posted on my Blog bikedenbec.blogspot.com. Trip should resume on Thurs. 6/11 unless we stay in SD for Mom's Birthday on 6/1210:15 AM Jun 5th from txt
Arrived at my sister Karen's near Lincoln, NE (62m)& will go to reunion with her this weekend. Daily updates will resume on Sun or Mon.2:52 PM Jun 1st from web
Good tailwind pushed me into Nebraska & 74 miles before 5pm . Took a dip in the Tecumseh City pool & hopfully I'll find a place to camp here5:00 PM May 31st from web
Road finally flattened out this afternoon replaced by fairly strong prairie headwind. Legs said stop in White Cloud Kansas camping free 56 m6:37 PM May 30th from txt
Much better weather - constant ups & downs - not bad. Camp full but offer free spot not far & can shower. Weston MO. 83m Kansas over river5:57 PM May 29th from txt
Gloomy chilly day with hills & headwind. Next campground is too far so early stop @ Henrietta, MO 44 miles. Hopefully sun tomorrow.2:59 PM May 28th from txt
Back on normal roads. Daily flat, headwind & hills left me just short of goal. Good folks @ Blackburn MO let me camp in park free. 77 Mi5:25 PM May 27th from txt
Week 4 video & pics posted on blog bikedenbec.blogspot.com1:41 PM May 27th from txt
Two Great Hosts in the Black Hills
I met Fred and Sherry through the Warmshowers.org website. They are avid cyclists and have done many tours across the country. They were fantastic hosts with a great Mexican dinner, margaritas (yum!) a nice place to rest my head and route advice. They had already hosted two other groups of bicyclists that week but I was still treated like family. I really enjoyed meeting these two new friends! Of course they always have a place to rest in Ft. Lauderdale too!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Cycling The Hills
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Good Apples
I mean no disrespect to the rest of my family by singling out these two - but I'd bet the rest of my family would agree that my sister Sharon and her husband Ron are "Salt of the Earth" type people.
I wanted to take a moment in my blog to recognize these two for all the things they do - not only for our family but for all those around them. Many times in past years, Ron has gone out of his way to drive hundreds of miles to pick me up after canceled flights or other issues. There is never a complaint or even a second thought - he just drops everything and helps. Sharon is the same way. My favorite part of a trip to South Dakota, besides seeing Mom, is staying at their home. If you look up the word "hospitality" in the dictionary - their picture should be there. You will always leave their beautifuf home well rested, well fed and properly "watered" (ie beer!).
If a family emergency presents itself, Ron and Sharon are there. When Mom fell and broke her leg last month and Medicare said she couldn't stay in recovery, nobody had to ask if she could stay with Ron and Sharon. They retrofitted their entire house to make it possible for Mom to get around in a wheel chair. And they see to it that she is well cared for and that the bills are correct and questions answered from the Doctor's office.
For me personally, not only do they let me stay with them, take me to the airport at the crack of dawn, provide fantastic meals, let me borrow their car when I need to drive to my home town, pay for things even when I protest, and now even support my bicycle adventure with a generous donation, they do all this without question and without expecting anything in return.
It is rare to find people of this caliber - and I am so happy and proud that they are my family.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Closer Look at Larry
Also, thank you to my sister Evelyn who donated Larry's new shoes!
Crossing the Great Plains
I didn't take a whole lot of pictures and videos this week because ...... well.... it all looks a bit the same in the Great Plains. Still it is beautiful country and I enjoyed my ride.
Mom's Birthday
Thankfully, my sister Karen was able to get out of the shift she was scheduled for on Friday and we were able to stay in South Dakota for Mom's Birthday on June 12th. We had a party for her with all her children and other friends of the family. It was a nice day that concluded with a campfire in the fire pit. The next day Karen and I drove back to Lincoln, NE with her two daughters and I continued my trek across the Great Plains on Sunday.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Week 6 and 7 Are Family Time
I wasn't expecting too much from the reunion because our family on my Mother's side hasn't been together, outside too many funerals, for over 20 years. But the local cousins did an incredible job of organizing, preparing and putting on a fantastic day. We had around 150 people there with lots of good food and entertainment including a wonderful picture slide show with over 500 pictures from the past that ran throughout the day. Mom is from a family of 10 children and our extended family has grown a lot through the years. We took time for each family to update us on which sibling they belonged to and what they are doing in their lives. I'm usually taking lots of pictures during these type of events but since I saw many flash bulbs going off, I decided to just sit back and absorb all the information which I very much enjoyed. I'll collect pictures via Internet when I get back home. Mom has improved a lot but still can't put any weight on her leg so she was unable to attend the reunion, but thanks to the picture slide show that my cousin Dianne put on DVD for me, I was able to show her all the pictures when I got back to Pierre. She very much enjoyed seeing them! The reunion took place in Mobridge, SD by the way.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
I love Missouri!

Gracious hosts Rodney and Gerry sent me off from the St. Louis area on the Katy Trail
Scenery along the Katy Trail
Missouri State Capital in Jefferson City
Charming Herman, MOWeston, MO
Interesting house along the road
Wolf River Bob - A life long adventurist and resident of White Cloud, KS. He showed me many historic pictures and a guest book signed by hundreds of bicycle tourists from as far back as 1984 who camped for free in the White Cloud City Park. We also spent some time driving around what would appear to be a simple little town on the decline. Through Bob's memories and hopes of reviving a historic treasure, I got a whole new view of White Cloud. Some day I believe one of those bicycle tourists who spent time in White Cloud will return to help restore the town to its former glory.
Wilbur Chapman House in White Cloud, KSBob's Pet Cemetery
Some of Bob's Collectibles
Tecumseh, NE
The new Hummer H1000
Feed Me!
I've got a week to recover before I start rolling again and there is some good food in Nebraska and South Dakota!